DIY vs. Professional Services for Blinds and Shutters Installation

DIY vs. Professional Services for Blinds and Shutters Installation - blinds

Picking out the right window dressings can be a bit of a head-scratcher. We know the feeling all too well, and after having a good dig around, we found something pretty interesting: about 70% of homeowners reckon they’re up to their necks in options and just don’t know where to start. Our blog is here […]

Exploring Cultural Significance in Design with Shutters and Screens

Wooden shutters

Selecting the perfect window accessories can make you scratch your head, right? Just like plenty of others, we’ve tossed up between snazzy looks and sheer practicality. It’s a classic Aussie conundrum! Now, shutters have been adding charm to our homes since the early settler days. Our yarn will take you through these cultural tales spun […]

Shutters in Coastal Interiors: Nautical Elegance and Durability

Shutters in Coastal Interiors: Nautical Elegance and Durability - blinds

We all know there’s nothing quite like that deep breath of relaxation when you walk into a room that just nails the laid-back coastal vibe. Like a lot of you out there, we’ve often scratched our heads wondering how to pull off window treatments that can tough it out against the cheeky sea breezes yet […]

Upcycling and Repurposing Ideas for DIY Shutter Crafts

Upcycling and Repurposing Ideas for DIY Shutter Crafts - blinds

Ever found yourself gazing at some worn-out shutters, wondering what on earth to do with them? Yeah, we’ve all been there – scratching our noggins over the unrealised potential in those timeworn slats. Get this: a staggering 3.4 million tonnes of wood waste, shutters included, were dumped into Aussie landfills in just one year. That’s […]

Harmonising Energy in Your Home through Shutters and Feng Shui

Harmonising Energy in Your Home through Shutters and Feng Shui - blinds

Ever felt like the vibe of your home is a bit off? No worries, you’re not alone on that one. We stumbled across a gem of an idea that something as straightforward as tweaking your window dressings could shift the energy around. Our yarn here unpacks how fitting some nifty shutters can spruce up your […]

The Impact of Shutters on Home Resale Value

The Impact of Shutters on Home Resale Value - blinds

Thinking about flicking on the ‘For Sale’ sign out the front? We’ve all scratched our heads, pondering ways to notch up our property’s price tag before we wave goodbye. Just like you, we had a squiz into how much shutters could sweeten the deal when it comes time to sell – and would you believe […]

Convenience and Accessibility in Design with Motorised Shutters

Convenience and Accessibility in Design with Motorised Shutters - blinds

Struggling to find that sweet spot between looking smart and being practical in your own home? You’re not alone, mate. That’s precisely why we’ve taken a good hard squiz at the world of motorised shutters – they’re pretty much the bee’s knees for combining class with convenience. Our deep-dive revealed these clever devices can trim […]

A Perfect Blend with Shutters and Privacy Landscaping

A Perfect Blend with Shutters and Privacy Landscaping - blinds

At our place, we reckon there’s nothing quite like the peace of mind you get from having your secluded spot in the backyard or a private corner in the office. Just like you, we’ve been through the wringer trying to find that sweet spot between keeping things private and making sure they still look ace. […]

Cultivating Curb Appeal with Stylish Exterior Shutters


We’ve all had a gander at our homes and felt that itch to make ’em pop from the street. Truth be told, we’ve stood there, sipping a cuppa, eyeing off those windows and reckoning they’re due for a spruce up. Did you know jazzing up your home’s facade can pump up your property’s value by […]

Pros and Cons for Every Room with Blinds vs. Shutters

Pros and Cons for Every Room with Blinds vs. Shutters - blinds

Choosing the perfect window dressings can be a real puzzler, can’t it? Trust us, we know the balancing act between looks and utility all too well – you’re not alone. Reckon this: nearly 60% of Aussies reckon that managing sunlight is top of the list when they’re sorting out their window gear. Our yarn today […]